Real-Time Generated

Your Sales

Connect with ready-to-buy prospects

Real-Time Generated

Your Sales

Connect with ready-to-buy prospects

leads to boost your conversion rate

Real-time Final Expense Leads

$12.99 / lead

  • Minimum 50 leads
  • At least 10 states of origin
  • Made to order
  • Guaranteed proof of interest (call recording) for each lead

Aged Final Expense Leads (SOLD OUT)

$4.33 / lead

  • Minimum 50 leads
  • At least 10 states of origin
  • Made to order
  • Guaranteed proof of interest (call recording) for each lead

leads to boost your conversion rate

Real-time Final Expense Leads

$12.99 / lead

  • Minimum 50 leads
  • Made to order
  • Guaranteed proof of interest (call recording) for each lead

Aged Final Expense Leads (SOLD OUT)

$4.33 / lead

  • Minimum 50 leads
  • Made to order
  • Guaranteed proof of interest (call recording) for each lead

Unrivaled final expense
and term leads
The gold standard

After you place an order, we hand pick and qualify leads who are currently looking for a life insurance quote and connect them with you to close the deal. Plus, every lead comes with a call recording verifying their interest in purchasing life insurance.

We cap orders after X amount to ensure you receive the best quality leads. Your success is our success.

Real-time generated leads are the best leads to sell insurance products to. Our selection criteria makes our aged final expense leads the most sought after in the industry.

Unrivaled final expense
and term leads
The gold standard

After you place an order, we hand pick and qualify leads who are currently looking for a life insurance quote and connect them with you to close the deal. Plus, every lead comes with a call recording verifying their interest in purchasing life insurance.

We cap orders after X amount to ensure you receive the best quality leads. Your success is our success.

Real-time generated leads are the best leads to sell insurance products to. Our selection criteria makes our aged final expense leads the most sought after in the industry.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you can’t find what you’re looking for, email our support team and if you’re lucky someone will get back to you.

    • What is a final-expense lead?

      A final expense lead is someone who has shown interest in purchasing final expense insurance. Final expense insurance is a life insurance policy that is specifically designed to cover the costs associated with a person's funeral, burial, and other expenses after they pass away.

    • What is an aged final-expense lead?

      An aged final expense lead is someone who expressed interest in purchasing final expense insurance at one point in time, but the lead is considered ‘aged’ because it is not as fresh or recent as a new lead.

    • How can you guarantee proof of interest?

      We include a recorded conversation of the individual expressing interest in purchasing life insurance.

    • How long does it take for a lead order to be fulfilled?

      Because we focus on connecting you with quality leads, please allow 7 days for your lead order to be fulfilled.

    • Do you place limits on your lead orders?

      To ensure you receive high-quality leads, we will sometimes cap the number of leads you can purchase. If this happens, you can sign up for updates to know when leads are available for purchase again.

    • What do you mean by real-time generated leads?

      Real-time generated final expense leads are people that are currently considering the purchase of a final expense insurance policy.

    • How is this different from internet campaign or direct mail?

      Its simple! Not only we kill the time it takes to mail something in, but the rate of return on response cards tends to be very low. For internet leads what else can we say aside from “I don’t remember filling that out”.. thats why our campaign leads come with proof of client interest.